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music studio

where music learning mirrors first language learning

ogden's "audiation"-based,
emotional intelligence-centered
piano & music lessons

Ogden's "Audiation"-based,

Emotional Intelligence-Centered

Piano Lessons

where music learning mirrors first language learning

music studio

Group Piano

individual lessons in a group setting

 Free Initial Lesson 


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music​​ studio

Here, Ms. Becca helps us learn music the same way we learn any other language:


Through guided listening, movement, babble, exploration, and sequential instruction!


Schedule a free Initial Lesson/Meeting today!

Our Services


Ensemble Composition

Weekly 1 hr Class

4-5 students bring their own instrument to class. (Keyboards are provided.)



The teacher instructs and guides idea-sharing whilst teaching further musical structure, to bring the class to a finished piece (or finished pieces!) and performance.


All who can manage their own instrument and are interested in composing with the ensemble, are welcome!


Group Piano Lessons
individual lessons in a group setting

Weekly 1 hr Lesson

4-5 students sit at their own keyboard. (Keyboards and ear phones provided by teacher)



The teacher instructs students individually, in turn. During that time, the others practice what the teacher assigns. It’s a missing piece in piano teaching--the teacher gets to observe the students’ practice!



These lessons include everything in traditional piano lessons PLUS peer support, singing, movement, audiation (ear training), group improv, composition, and SO much more.



Weekly 40 min Class

5-10 students SING, MOVE, LISTEN, and EXPLORE while being guided through sequential learning activities.



This class brings students to “audiate” music, understand music, self-express in music, and enJOY music!



It’s a GREAT class for beginning to advanced students who don’t yet play an instrument AND for those that do.

Individual Piano Lessons

Weekly Lessons
30 mins $125/month
45 mins $185/month

These MLT-based individual piano lessons include everything in traditional piano lessons




Weekly improvisation, composition, listening, singing, movement, audiation training (ear training), bi-annual recitals, and so much more.


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Jeffrey Favero Photography Gallery

West Entrance

3662 W 2550 S

Ogden, UT 84401





'Preciate ya!

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