I'm Becca Favero, the founder of Joy Music Studio.
I've been passionate about music since I can first remember. Before starting on the traditional piano learning track, I heard musicals and classical music filling the rooms of my home, and my siblings repeating their piano pieces over and over until their "perfection". At 3 years old, I lingered near and when the piano was free, I sounded out what I could from their pieces and found my "perfection".
I pursued my love for music by begging for piano lessons at 3 years old, playing and performing in school programs, and making up my own tunes on the side. I enjoyed exploring different types of piano, in middle school jazz band and entering my compositions into "Reflections" contests Through grade school. In continued private lessons with the acclaimed Madalyn Taylor through high school as well as performing the gladdening "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin, with my high school band, and teaching a couple of students.
When considering what path to continue in college, I knew that I couldn't end my piano learning there. I attended Utah State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a focus on Piano Performance and Pedagogy, taking private lessons with Professor Gary Amano.
Through the years, I have transitioned from taking, then teaching traditional piano lessons to some beautiful discoveries that I embrace now at Joy Music Studio, emphasizing audiation and self-expression, an Edwin Gordon MLT-led method that prioritizes learning music the same way we first learn language.
The way I choose to teach piano is full of the secret sauce to be able to ENJOY music and musicking: true understanding of it. I have learned to truly enjoy music and the accumulation of self and sharing in it, and I want to share it with you and your family. So, when you're ready, join Joy Music Studio, and truly enJOY music!
My Experience
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.